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Nursing: EBP Resources

Nursing Events

Annual Nursing Research & EBP Day

Friday, November 15, 2024     07:00 - 16:00

In-Person or Virtual Attendance

Send Abstract Template by Sept 6th to Tami Hartzell

Conference Registration Opens September 3

CNE Available


Nursing Grand Rounds

View Presentations

AJN Series: Evidence-Based Practice Step by Step

Asking is the Answer: An EBP Newsletter

EBP Education Meets Clinical Ladder Requirements

On HealthStream Learning, search "EBP" in the catalog: 

RRH: EBP Module 01 - Culture of Inquiry & Seven Steps of EBP  (2 CNE)

RRH: EBP Module 02 - Asking the Clinical Question & Searching for Evidence Module (2 CNE)

RRH: EBP Module 03 - Critical Appraisal of Research Studies Module (2.5 CNE)

RRH: EBP Module 04 - Planning, Implementing & Rolling Out a Practice Change (2 CNE)

RRH: EBP Module 05 - Evaluating, Disseminating & Sustaining a Practice Change (2 CNE)

How to Read a Paper and Users' Guide to the Medical Literature

Steps in the EBP Process