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Images: Citing Your Sources

Citing Your Sources

To make citing easier, capture important details concerning the image as you find the image. Elements you should try to capture:

  • Image creator's name (artist, photographer, etc.)
  • Title of the image
  • Date the image (or work represented by the image) was created
  • Date the image was posted online
  • Date of access (the date you accessed the online image)
  • Web address and/or the database name
  • Institution (gallery, museum) where the image is located/owned (if applicable)

AMA and APA Formats

Citation styles such as APA or AMA require different formats.  Very often, the format is slightly different for an attribution you place in close proximity to the image (in-text) versus the citation you are including in your reference list.

You need to consult the citation style you will be using for the proper format.

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